The Apostleship of the Cross is an association of both lay and religious men and women in the Church who wish to live their baptismal faith according to the Spirituality of the Cross.
By following the intent of Jesus’ Sacrifice, we make it our mission to take up our cross daily with love and to continue His work in the service of the Church. We strive to be true disciples as we work for the salvation of men and women by sharing with others the gifts the Holy Spirit gives to us.
We are a community searching for spiritual growth through prayer, sharing our faith and reflecting on God’s Word and His presence in our lives. We invite you to pray and study with us the Word of God and the lives of our Founders, Conchita Cabrera de Armida and Fr. Felix de Jesus Rouger, MSpS.
For more information regarding the Apostleship of the Cross, please contact Vicki Leone by email
To learn more about the founders and spirituality, click here.