At St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, we are happy to have a wonderful team who serves our parishioners, often doing so behind closed doors. The parish staff is entrusted with the mission of extending God's kingdom by fulfilling the duties of our everyday tasks that ensure the proper functioning of events and facilities. Whether this is done by filing documentation for sacraments, making sure the various bills and expenses are covered, organizing and keeping a budget plan, these and so many other tasks ensure that our parish remains open, active and available to all our parishioners and all who come to visit us for the first time.
Some of the recent updates include the addition of the livestreaming equipment.
Although we acquired this due to the pandemic, we are sure that this is a resource we will count on for years to come as a means of evangelization and to remain connected to our friends and families who cannot, because of dire circumstances, participate in person.
We have also since begun to plan the update of the lower level rooms (Stations) with new flooring. These and other projects are made possible through the contributions our parishioners and so many others provide throughout each year and with the help of the parish staff, finance committee, and pastoral council so that we are able to continue serving you.
If you would like to serve your community in another way, we have many opportunities. Click on the 'Liturgy' or 'Service Ministries' link to view different options.