Dear Volunteer,
Thank you for giving your time and talent by volunteering at St Elizabeth Ann Seton.
Below are the steps to take to begin volunteering at St. EAS.
New Volunteer
STEP 1 complete the attached form and turn it in to the Religious Education Office.
STEP 2: Do you have Internet Access?
· If YES, please go to to register your information . This is a 5 step process will take some time.
· If NO, let the Office of Faith Formation know and they will help you with your registration.
When filling out area to volunteer choose below:
Catechist Music Money Counter
Assistant Catechist Eucharist Minister Usher
Youth Ministry Homebound Ministry Hospitality(kitchen help)
Returning Volunteer
STEP 1:Fill out attached form.
STEP 2: Did you receive an e-mail from VIRTUS? This will have your login and password information.
If NO, call the RE office to see if you are in the system.
If YES, Log into and update any incorrect information and add St Elizabeth Ann Seton as a location. You can check your past trainings and you will receive updates on items needed. The St Elizabeth Ann Seton Safe Environment Coordinator will contact you if other steps are needed.
Check the Archdiocese Website for more information: